En su Diccionario Filosófico, Voltaire, dice que nosotros llamamos azar tal vez no sea otra cosa que la causa ignorada de un efecto conocido. Estoy plenamente convencido de ello. Los diferentes avatares que me ha tocado vivir desde que tengo uso de razón así me lo confirman.

Hace más de diez años aconteció un hecho que está íntimamente relacionado con la traducción de mis primeros tres libros de poesía: Desde un palco a oscuras, Contracanto y Las malas conciencias. Entre los alumnos que tuve como profesor de un colegio coincidieron un muchacho enclenque nacido en Ucrania, una jovencita muy conversadora de raíces árabes y que dominaba muy eficientemente la lengua de Mahoma, y una pertinaz y afanosa estudiosa de la lengua china. La empatía con cada uno de ellos se dio de inmediato. Al punto que un día recibí la visita de la madre del joven ucraniano, una robusta señora de piel blanca, cabellos castaños y ojos verdes, se llamaba Linbov Alexandrovna.

Después de agradecerme las clases y los esporádicos consejos que le daba a su hijo Yuri, me hablo de su infancia en su tierra natal y de su afición por la literatura rusa mayormente. La conversación, a la que yo había destinado como máximo diez minutos, se prolongó por más de dos horas. Hablamos de Tolstoi, Zamiatin, Narokov, Dostoievski, Gogol y Chejov; esos son algunos nombres de los que recuerdo, pero sé que ella habló de muchos más. La conversación fue tan amena para ambos, que a la semana estaba sentado en la sala de su casa enfrascado en las narraciones de escritores rusos acompañado de un buen vaso con vodka.

Hubo un cuento maravilloso que elevó nuestra empatía a lares inimaginables, “Tristeza” de Chejov, aquella historia donde un desconsolado hombre busca afanosamente alguien a quien contarle la muerte de su hijo que acaba de acontecer. Su búsqueda será infructuosa y terminará en un establo confesándole a su caballo su amargura y su dolor.

Lo concluyente de todo este episodio es que yo le lleve a la señora como regalo un ejemplar firmado y numerado de “Desde un palco a oscuras”, mi primer libro. La mujer quedó encantada, es más, junto a su hijo Yuri lo tradujeron al ruso. Cuando vi la traducción me quedé fascinado, más aún por el hecho de que no conozco ni una palabra de esa adusta lengua.

Esa fue la primera gota de una lluvia que formaría un río en el cual mis primeros tres libros fueron traducidos por Linbov y su hijo al ruso, por mi alumna de raíces árabes Ghadir Issa y su padre Nabiv Issa Shemali a la lengua árabe y por Mariluz Sotelo y Claudia Sam al chino.

Hasta aquí en cuanto a estas traducciones. ¿Y como surgió la idea de traducirlos a otros idiomas? Ahí es donde aparece ese hombre maravilloso y extraordinario llamado Arturo Cornejo Barreda, a quien conocí cuando yo tenía cuatro años (hoy Arturo tiene ochenta y cinco). Arturo es natural de Arequipa, uno de los diez hijos de Ernesto Cornejo Bouroncle y Clelia Barreda Herrera, quienes se casaron cuando él tenía diecinueve y ella dieciocho. Uno de los recuerdos más vivos que tengo de Arturo es su gran afición por el estudio, era un autodidacta innato. Recuerdo sus revistas de “Mecánica popular” que leía ávidamente; en poco tiempo se convirtió en un carpintero eximio de cuyas manos nacían los muebles más finos y acabados que pueda imaginarse. Nunca comercializó con ellos, todos eran para la casa o para sus hermanos ya casados. Pero lo que más me fascinaba era verlo sentado durante horas frente a una consola, aprendiendo idiomas con sus libros y sus discos. ¿Qué idiomas aprendió, Arturo, mientras transcurrían mi niñez, infancia y adolescencia?: inglés, francés, italiano, alemán, portugués y sueco.

Un día conversando con Arturo le hable de mis traducciones que había hecho de mi poesía. De inmediato se ofreció a pasar mis poemas a los idiomas que él conocía. Su trabajo fue arduo y titánico. Como buen amante de las artes y de las letras, sé que Arturo disfruto inmensamente con ese trabajo. Así es Arturo hasta ahora, un hombre lleno de entusiasmo y alegría por la vida, la fotografía tomada por Milagros Mora que encabeza el portal de las traducciones de este blog, lo muestran con una mirada límpida y transparente, fiel reflejo de lo que ha sido y es su vida hasta ahora.

Parte importante en la transcripción y revisión de este voluminoso y complicado trabajo ha sido la labor desplegada por Milagros Mora, una de las más fieles, entusiastas y pacientes forjadoras de este blog, más aún cuando se tiene que hacer frente a mi intolerancia atávica y a mis crisis neuróticas y depresivas. A ella, pues, mi agradecimiento incondicional e infinito.

Guillermo Delgado.

Wolfsschanze, 21 de mayo del 2013.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013



A Ernesto Cornejo Bouroncle
he left in a cloud
leaving his hat

A Clelia, his partner,
that was bringing him his hat
leaving his memory.

In the course of a single run poem indeed inseparable from their wills, poems that form the background of this book.

The unique talent of Guillermo Delgado makes each page pass before us as life goes as time: while passing, and bypassing.

Without a verse to another will interrupt the flow of images, reflections and puzzles - from the stage darkened William - we reveal the poetry again.

César Calvo.

Just reach
 your arm,
 to forge
 my words
of men.

 With only lasts
 in you
 of these verses,
 I feel pleased
 they have been rescued
 with our loneliness.

And I swear
I have to have
a thousand men
to placate
his irony
and transform it into song.

in this world
where nights and days
someone digs upon my grave

Like a child
at night
an infinite forest
my eyes
looking into your eyes.

And your eyes,
clear as the fog
of summer,
notified me that tomorrow
you'll be gone,
and how tender is the night
seal - kiss inert -
from that on your left.

One night as serious
like this
where the soul is instantly

One night impossible
like this
in which I seek God
and is denied.

Twenty years
in memory,
which images

Pages become colorless
where lie
joys and sorrows
generous hand
whose goodness resists
and time.

After the absence
to overflow
their crystal
is noon
in our hearts.

Moves the alamo
of his indiscretion
the kiss of lovers.

the last port
the same boat
in your water

The forest
Tree sprouts
leaf sprouting.
springs silence
verses which sprout.

Among trees
night after night
you wait
the stranger
without knowing
or where
you have come
the love.

You become like the dead
that collect their steps
and someone
she cried
on my shoes.

Every evening,
each day,
every night ...
here in my grave
i will be
the air you breathe.

Dew numbing
this silence, the wind
rain let his breath
I atenazan blade.
Are you in it, you spend endlessly hurricane.

At a given
came the words.
The voice booms
in her abyss
to be imperceptible
to memories.


I dreamed a light narrow, dark,
and finally
one flock of white monks
carried on their shoulders
the immense coffin
of premature burial,

If you looked the faces
of these cenobites
Life, pale, remote
eyes buried;
or if only you looked
bitter the stars radiating
grim and smelly beard ...

A strange song
absorbs hours
passing, Sleep
the graveyard empty
filling the fold spiteful
of a God expected
by anyone.

I kneel in the shadows
and listen, on my lips, one
prayer so slight
as still return
Foam on the waves absent ...

Low Relief

The sea between us
worth it ages
and the routine
the rose and withered
your face in your hands
friends who were
the night
at night
port that fails
and our voices
windblown ...

(What lark, confused
in the trades,
returns to the crops
in search of
and dreams of a crow hazing
and wakes
without eyes?)

The sea between us
and then
the sea
between ourselves
that continues ...


For you, Gabrielle,
this Countersong
which is the underside
of love and life.

On earth as
in the sky ...
and in my heart forever.


In my teen years fast sports I was a football fan. Attended, inevitable, to the south stands of the National Stadium, naturally swells Alianza Lima.

I was going to see the doodles of my beloved heroes then. Little did I know that later, over the years, make friends with the son of William Delgado, that extraordinary back - Alliance Center, better known in the field as "the lion of Jose Diaz" ("the brave and harmful / that lion "). In those times have been in the memory, as sculpted in bronze, the memorable duels between Guillermo Delgado and Alberto Terry, golden duo reminds grass and will hardly flourish.

William Delgado - the son is also a maker of figures like his father, only that the embroidering on the grass and this young poet's Burila blank page. Well trained and informed, as few poets of the latest promotions. He's always nervous and agitated between books. He is editor and promoter. A great reader of the classics and the mandatory empeñoso literary connoisseur and rigor metric. Cesar Calvo has already given the play of light honor to his poetry with keen eye prefacing his book From the Dark Placo.

Now, William, agile and sudden, intimate and germinal move us again with this new release poetic book that fuels my enthusiasm, though a bit envious of her youth and breath, fruitful of his fantasy.


"Our earthly fire, whatever their fury and extension, has provided a limited area, but the lake of fire in Hell hath no limits, no beaches, no funds. It is said that once the devil himself, asked about a certain soldier, was obliged to confess that if a whole mountain were thrown at the seething ocean would be consumed in an instant like a piece of wax. This terrible fire will not afflict the souls of the damned only from without, but that every soul will be a hell within him, consuming fire that scorched in their own vital scepters. Oh, how terrible is the lot of those wretched beings! The blood seethes and boils in their veins, they scorch the brains in the skull, the heart in his chest burns them like an ember, your intestines are a reddish mass of burning pulp, the tender eyes burning flare up like balloons. "

James Joyce
"Portrait of the Artist"

For the life after all ...
Because life after all
is simply a coming and going;
one contracanto
of pain and hope.


Today I have been reborn ...

Today I have been reborn
from the ashes,
in which I fell
the indifference of men
rang my tears;
and I again feel
the cold solitude of these walls
between the breadcrumbs.

I find most beautiful way ...

I find most beautiful way,
decent and bearable
to express my feelings
Because my verse springs
of the simple word
from flower to flower
from branch to branch
from leaf to leaf.

Ask wanted the moon ...

Ask wanted the moon
of why
my silence
the ingenuous laugh
of a later time
the arrival of the night,
life varies, infatuated,
between wanting
and no power.

Nostalgia has brought me ...

Nostalgia has brought me
now that you're
And I just
for you

Came a voice ...

Came a voice
between stone,
and the man sank
his hand on the ground
and full of life.

Time, time, time ...

Time time time.
eternal Bliss
that of primitive man
timeless and anguish.


I cling to your arms ...

I cling to your arms
looking blinded
the chill of death.
I inhale deeply
between your breasts
and peacefully
I drop
on earth.

A storm is coming ...

A storm is coming,
irrepressible passion
in your body
gives full.
Lamo, rubbed, aspire, smell,
the stench of a body rocked
that Aphrodite way.
I shake,
you contract,
you shiver,
I fold and unfold it
 while you lengthen
in a thousand ways.

Instant yours ...

Instant yours
where your soma
attentive to the onslaught
a thousand men
in my mind you have.

Fierce claws
are now
the sweet hands
once through your body
so dear.
Redeemed and eaten
moan, screamed, bufo, cry ...
So now comes the storm
in your body
gives full.

When I see you shaking ...

Watching you jerk
by an earthquake endless
my eyes wander
a deep groan
numbs us.

There is a time to wait ...

There is a time to wait
time to say sorry.
There is a time for love
a time for love a time for silence.
There's a part of you and me
leaving aside the silence
who gave the love
and forgot the time.

Sometimes I wish ...

Sometimes I wish
lost in my silence;
lock yourself in a book
and read;
sculpt our souls
in a verse;
desecrate my loneliness
(Beloved and beautiful)
only a moment
and lived in it
reflected forever.

Outcrops in my verb ...

Outcrops in my verb
a song celestial;
And he gets your voice
your voice is already pain;
Stiff lie, lie dead
the ancient olive groves;
Green willow, still here
in my eyes;
Your wife, I a child
but more could desire;
Forgot remember
forget my love;

In the leaves of the poplars ...

In the leaves of the poplars
you have to get the moans
A child
which is the negation of God.

How to be a world ...

How to have a world
between clouds,
beautiful and profound
to love you,
surrender to your touch
as you climb
and night waiting
to worship.
Like having again
lost youth,
rash, fever,
the joy of the child,
the strength of the man without injury,
without the cold heart encircles the chest.

When you run away from me ...

When you run away from me
seem to forget
without you ...
I will be nothing.

Like a candle ...

As a candle
dying in the night
my love faded
slowly in silence,
gentle breeze, sad awakening
that is advertising,
hidden shadows of hope.

I have seen them love ...

I have seen pass love
on the wings of a seagull.


Three nails ...

Three nails
Blood erupted in anger
and wet earth.
An enraged horrendous scream
and withered olive.
Eleven sheep returned to the fold;
one ... stayed in man.

If yours with a look ...

If yours with a look
I can be happy
do not take away the joy
to live in it

 There is a being that foam ...

There is a being that foam
in the sea of ​​your body
and that I expected.
Meat or dust
fire or ash
I rio.

The red rose in your mouth looks ...

The red rose in your mouth looks
butterfly in flight is on the run,
my tongue purple petal takes
which wet glass which grape bunch.
Angry clapper slows your momentum
in my mouth that lies an ardent lover,
fierce, paladin, pegasus winged
size, shape, called brilliant.
Fire your fire I am now and,
the arrogant sneer of your mouth,
I feel my body shivers

For it is not me who your lips touch
- Wither the soul who kiss your lips -
no glass or grape only gave you love.

All I ask ...

I ask only
lie to my heart
once more.
Tell her it's late
someone is waiting
you have to go
you'll come back tomorrow.
 I know he means
why you're gone ...
though I know in the bottom
they will not return.

I'm getting to where you let me ...

I'm getting to where you leave me
I'm starting from where you're gone
crying, pain, misery, neglect,
it does not matter if you walk away from me.

Because what we have ...

Because what is
between you and me ...
will always
after sin.

Love you ...

The love in you
is like a host,
tasteless and inert.

Your love is a rose ...

Your love is a rose
that morning by morning
her laughter fades
is overshadowing his singing.
 Sad fate
that of your love and the rose
they lose their charm.

Seeing me in the mirror ...

Seeing me in the mirror
gradually wither,
my soul is suffering, my pain grows,
I can not forget that you loved me.
Sometimes vague between shadow
an uncertain road
and I have fear,
I curl up in a corner
for warmth
you deny me, and so,
desperate and lonely
back home
and my hope as yesterday
is deserted.

Even when I have to pretend ...

Even when I have to pretend
I am serene,
and everything around you is blue,
everything is light,
that nothing worries me;
hide this bitterness, this sadness,
the ominous scent of a poison
nests in my blood
announcing to death.

I just hope ...

I just hope
that graceful death.
suffer defeat
you have to give
for having taken
of your arms.

As unburied corpse ...

As unburied corpse
My body resists
not to live
I pay heavy price
for love:
easy smile, face flattering,
soul weak, perverse,
To bury my great love
I'll give you more than a funeral.

If I had known ...

If I had known
that your love was
like sailors,
of those who daily
change names
port their ships.

There is a simple way ...

There is a simple way,
to say I love you!
terrifies me.

And I lived thinking ...

And I lived thinking
love is beautiful
that there are friends
that men were good
you were the pink
I once loved.

I wanted to stay…

I wanted to stay
in your eyes to
I wanted moan
in your arms
As always,
I wanted
melt my bones with yours
and mock death;
thousand times would ...
more in your silence
and tonight
I lost life
in your eyes.


Sad your face, your eyes opaque,
one lies empty house
without us, they
of solitary abode
leave today.
Confines of my sadness is yours,
unfailing accuser
This aching heart of stone
loves you
and in whose shadow heady
is a child who sees you with joy today.



If you die the rose
with warm kisses
sow on your lips.
If one day forget
missed that kiss,
to give another man
I did love mine.
Drown forever
insistent desire,
to find you and tell you
that love you.


Do not say goodbye,
than a lark
with injured wing
landed on my shoulder
and slowly
slowly ...
I announced that you were leaving.


Take your message to the wind.
he sails the seas
a sailboat;
rises between the peaks
fertile fields
It is the voice of the time.


Although only in dreams you're mine,
and accurate hand appeases
devouring fire
naked mud
that holds my soul;
the concern that provoke me
must be switched off at the end
in a swinging sound
of pleasure, euphoria and tears.
But not my song
that reaches your ears plaintive
which a poor beggar
that to his den drag
smelly body you have.
It has to be the winner song
captive bird to wrap my hand,
bird, now free,
abandons forever
the body of his master.


Walking, walker,
Children were growing.
Walking, walker,
life is aging.
As if tired to oblivion
as if to attract luck
walk slowly
life stride rushing
slowing at times death.
Steps to go, sorrows come,
departing laughter, tears left.
Walking, walker,
life goes walking,
walking towards death
death is waiting.


When you're alone
on the road
I can look in the mirror
sink my lips
wet grass.
When you're alone
on the road
I can trust the wind
you were a swan
I sail in my body.
When you're alone
on the road
I can look in the mirror
sink my lips
wet grass
entrust the wind
you were mine
you were a swan
I sail in my body
to spread its wings
Was lost ... in time.


From a lyre fall
Hand of Dante,
ropes stirred
and said a name.
He lost his notes
in a valley infinity
and strings vibrated
lit at night.
What did it say? ... I dunno.
What did they say? ... Who knows.
Do not be alarmed dear
do not worry treasure
was perhaps a star
was perhaps a Mockingbird.
or just a sigh
God or a yawn.


Shut the nightingale
its song of dawn,
at the bottom of the window
they'll drag
- My love -
my shadow love.
Their melodious chirping
 announced my presence,
stealthy and anxious
I'm in love
- My love -
prisoner in your innocence.
Cascabel feathered
that you go hurrying,
retardes not your flight
do not stop your step
I have finally arrived
- My love -
a beautiful place.


You lily,
pollen, stamen, color and calyx
enthroned the most beautiful flower in my:
a realm of colors
where humanity absent
not sow your pain
around you.



Today I've said I love you,
today I've said I love you,
and today I drowned in silence
a sigh of love.
Always, only you, whatever you want.

Love Trilogy
lost in the shadows
these four walls
where bare bum,
without knowing where
I have received your voice.


Together we will walk even
the unfinished stretch
the thorny path
that aimlessly
comes and goes.
uncertain path
that looks menacing
as if not enough
which together comulguemos
before the child chalice
that fell from our hands.
Together with the host bitter
that to receive we hurry,
as vainly trying the rush
appease something
our fault.
Together, always together,
the tree being dragged
uniting our lives
and today,
after the storm without crying
plaguing our souls,
condemns us to eternal solitude
to live together.
together we will see
hide the sun
without hope.
together remember
what we
Together like two strangers
finally know
the aging face
Love to death.
Together always together,
because we are doomed
has always
to live and die together.

It will be a silence ...

It will be a silence
impenetrable after my death,
for my wandering soul
which jealous cancerbera
protect my ashes of luck
that you and others can give.
I shall return to my children as a blind man
in the wind
at sea
in the air
in the blood of their own,
for you or anyone
desecrate their peace.


To Martha Isarra,
companion of countless battles,
now and forever,
with a tender, sweet
and painful goodbye.

"Strong is the weight of conscience"
Cicerón, De natura deorum, lib. III

Il sole piange fra le fonglie morte.
Vestiti di  scuro
gli alberi, triste becchini,
assistono al funerale
del tramonto autunnale.
Si sono chiuse le porte
del cielo.
C’é un velo
di nebbia sui fiumi
Gli altari della cittá
scintillamo di lumi.
E i portici, tra muro e muro,
malinconici baldacchini,
s’inarcano sull’umanitá
che accompagna in processione
il féretro della stagione.

Giuseppe Villaroel, da “Stelle Sugli abissi”


Guillermo Delgado swells in the field of Peruvian poetry in the "Promotion of 80", but his two previous works: From a box in the dark (1991) and Countersong (1993), appear a decade later, as a necessary and urgent response to a very personal view of issues as old as the appearance of man on earth, I mean love, death and loneliness. And of course, this is not a first, as no one can be oblivious to these parameters would appear to be the symptoms of the human context representative vying for hope and a voice to conquer. Delgado is aware of this finding staff, but their alternative not measured at the language level is less dense in terms of content. In the books listed and bad conscience, denominator pounding excellent: the presence of the human with all the nuances that can come off and from the perspective of love and dream, so resorts to dialogue, monologue and also makes the sea her confidant, her secret companion. But undoubtedly behind each verse, beats, sometimes or more often, her sensitive and acute painful humanity.

Delgado is one of our most representative poets, it seems that his life is plunged into the void, in exile and perhaps death. This latest collection of poems, which forms a beautiful trilogy with the previous two, accentuates tremulous look of love, forgetting press tension and hopelessness, tells of a game irreversible regrets disappointment. The item rose for fragrance, beauty and subtlety is compared to women, and vice versa, with the exception that it is not defoliated but disappears from a reality that more preferred that the presence reverie. By the way, not the "pink" elusive Martin Adam, is a rose that can even from exile and melancholy, getting nailed in the soul, but its aroma is deadly.

There Delgado's poems, immense value of sincerity, a sign of virility to the anguish irreplaceable. Love and death, he was captivated. The loneliness and tears that accompany it seemed forever, then at the bottom of the words also found a child alone in silence. However, I think, finally, that his poetry that has saved the barreara long improvisation, has to save the man in every sense of authentic poet.

Sol de Ica, august 1998.




Seca was a rose in your jewel,
 funeral flower that clouds at noon:
 flavor that is lost in the orchard
 no light of our love died already.

Dry rose stay in your lap,
withered flower that lies in the shadows:
which before was reborn in the twilight
dead in the glow shines no longer.

And now you are gone your charms
to die on the wings of oblivion,
is the rose that has been reborn.

In the faint melody of the saints,
leaving a trail in the lived
and inert on the way to flourish.


If they had not so much
in the soul
could not say ...


You know better than I
there is a moment of the night
that can not be
lying to love.


To Italo Porvi

I look at this fight ending
dawn to sunset
I pursued, harsh and bare.

My eyes lie in the shadows
of death, as if waiting
vacuum, without walls or funds
to stop my fall.

My hands and my words
seem to reach me.

At time of writing
I have called these verses,
but my voice has settled
on me, as if a bad omen
I announced that I'm not.


Now that I have had your voice,
I find that my heart was still,
and the picture that your soul
was my face reflected.


In my heart for you,
did my love go
which two passions
they face.

In war and peace,
in life and death.

Zenith and nadir ...
two rivers as far


Sometimes I'm in wind
you mob,
the Hortiga hostile
the garden of your dreams;
the lonely boat sinking
in this raging sea of ​​woe
that is life.

And the word muted
of these verses, it is God who wonder:

Why you were the sea I wanted,
and I the boat in that my love was going?


I sail impassable roads
to reach that
to dance in the shadows.


Because my life with the sea
extends beyond the foam
hugging my body.

I still, sailboat wandering
looking for a place
on the beach
where to die.


Prisoner of my own words
go through this world
to pick up my dead.


Espinoza pink,
red and ingratiating.
Beware, poet,
in that pink
that being red
not the pink
you want.

To Charo Murriel

In how many talks
they talk about me.
 From my manhood,
My sudden flight
with pants halfway up.
(Fleeing... hasted mouse)

My first experience, frustrated
by unexpected arrivo
Your caste sister.

In how many talks
will continue talking about me,
My underwear
that changes colors
in laughter and memories,
in mockery and laughter.
While here,
my love immersed in the past,
stupidly persists in undermining
the fertile volcano your fifteen years.


Captive among white sheets
you lie
endlessly single.

A sad shadow of your look
I'm fading
as the hidden ghost
of verse writing.

No magic, no dreams, no illusions,
without a star to justify
the arrival of the night,
I move between your bed
abandoning you.

And when dawn alights
over my eyes,
I walk away cowardly
leaving captive
between white sheets
endlessly single.


All that radiates youth
before my eyes avejentados
I am presented with beautiful
and sees me.

Tragic end which awaits me
now that my youth
lies in the shadows.

Oh, Polack Polack,...!
collect your spoils
and leave your heart alone
to keep crying
through your eyes ...
and do not tempt the gods
once more.


If I had drunk
in your arms
the tenderness of your fifteen years
it would be perched
the essence of my dreams
as they land in the roses
dew drops.

I left a rose ...
and when he departed,
forgot pose
in your face
the hands that pulled;
and in your mouth,
that desired.


Every time you speak
my lips away
and my be suffering
the loneliness of these days.

I do not know how you do
to beat in the soul
when alive a dream
when I think of a child
when waking dream ...
what I live asleep.


My life is a river and spent
beside which death flashes.

The star in my waters
Blinking yellow
sees me with disdain.

(With callous indifference
my soul asks)

Shine the hoe
in a swinging threatening,
and a dark spot
I see ...

and tired, and boring
of this river that die not decided.


Today just
there is nothing to say.

No time.

 Not a moment allows us to
that pervades everything ...

Children are beautiful
but no time
for their games.

Life takes it all:
the illusions of the soul
kids games
and to sadness
it is everywhere.


Until now I wonder
how big was your love;
what the source of your kisses,
your touch, your passion.

He who did not spare the love
not have to redeem death
since only knew
the extent of your anger.


I'll be looking as before
new roads.
You go looking like now
our roads.

At each step of mine
establish my forgetfulness.
At every step you take
will rest my absence.

And every night sad,
as one in which
closed doors
Your house forever,
we reach a voice
- To tell us softly -
that are cursing my life
curse your luck.


Seem to forget
or would like to forget;
the aura of destiny
darkens, day by day, my way;
like the river, which in its long-Pilot,
leaves a muddy mud
like wine.



Birds longer ply
the eternal solitude
this road.

Alas seeking temporary
other winds
outside those fields
where they are.

(Winds coming in angelinas wings,
angels wings come in to be)

Weary of beating
avail these trails,
where love and hate
together our lives,
those wings battered
are starting to sea ...
forgetting about their pain.

(Wings that are lost in clouds whitish
passing birds that continue to mourn)


When the leaves of poplar
be abandoned to autumn,
the ringing of a bell
you talk about me.

The laughter of a child forgotten
this will fill you
and a thirst for mother
moisten your lips bitterly.

When you feel a few steps
call your ears
hear the cries of the child
you left me.


I love the white rose
because it is beautiful as you,
and further,
the white silk on your feet rests,
your absence, your silence is everything.

If I have to suffer a close distance,
your scorn, your complaints, your reproaches:
nothing matters, I fear no evil.

(Sweet symphony are your ironies
in my sad nights)

Life do I want
if I have your love,
your laugh, your offenses, your rapture,
(Your charms in which joy), your warmth.

Perhaps it is better to die, hasten the chance ...
close your eyes
and anxious wait for your return.


For you must be
the expected female submissive
ensuring your clothes
or embroidering your lace.

The female prisoner
of a wrong body,
that on moonlit nights,
is left to your touch
searching in darkness
your charms.

I stopped once ... and it cost me your love.


Retake it and lived ... Where?
No island, no sea, no one bird even
that acompase our flight. Hide
the Sun its fine golden hair.

Flames of love, love that does not respond.
If the sun blinded and could not see
sad and lonely life, where
our love has gone, perhaps even.

open its rays back into
this world of shadows. Oh, ruddy
is the cry you, astro, auscultas.

Oh! Sun darkened, divine grace:
the dead walk alone in the world,
walk alone as souls unburied.


In vain you approach me deadly
therefore, if life is not met you,
least I can do it now
I'm already dead.


Foundlees ... bare the lone and level
 sands stretch for away.
SHELLEY (Ozymandias)

Which are worth your tears,
when the slab of the tomb
let not tears.


I just wanted
your chest against mine,
your lips on mine

I longed only
the song of your voice,
the flush of your face
one morning.

I asked God only
to give me a moment,
you gave me the encouragement
one morning.

And today only ...
I've said that I will
which I have forgotten
the song of your voice
be another,
be another, another morning.


Mute the song, the blue sky,
darkens in your eyes;
bird goes around comes or returns ...
and, in each coming and going,
my life is shaken
in that song
or hope
that die back to your eyes.


Every night a thief
creeps into your bed
pick your sighs ...
and retrace your steps

A Poplar emerges aggressive.
You hang on, what deshojas with your lips.
A flower does rain expected
and shakes impetuous
between white sheets.


In what part of the road
were the joys,
White doves
flying in the fields,
those trips intermittent
starry nights
with nested trees
incandescent lights.

Seems to have clouds
in which the time
not take root.

(Amores twilight
to fertilize at dawn.
secular love
that are lost in time).

Oh! God, I've never seen
but I've felt.
What divine force
has the will
to copulate in the heart?

(Gray is sadness
that has the sea
when he kisses the sand;
white foam
that at night
moon is serene).

And now we age
we realize
the joy that life came
is the same sadness that love was.


They divide my garments among themselves and
on my garments they cast lots.
(Psalm 22:19)

When the gray-bearded farmer
finished last seed sowing
on earth,
had already elapsed
the sixth day.

And it was in the morning of the seventh
- That tired as I was -
fell on the grass
staying mired
into a deep sleep.

Thousands of centuries it flooded
shaking up her entire being.
He saw his crop scorch all,
become barren land,
darken the skies
where he had made light,
free winds
spreading everywhere
incandescent fire
devouring his rest.

A terrifying fear
suddenly overwhelmed him
- Yet sleepy -
tried in vain to undo it.

But he realized that all his power
not be enough
for a second
what had taken so long.

To foresee the inevitable,
the farmer took his plow
and disappeared into the shadows.


The silence of children
has made this small house
a house so huge
any rich envy.

Crossing the rain
left behind the streets

Everything in this house is quiet.

The books dead in eternal sleep.

A boring fly with me,
feeling compassion for the lonely.

Play with it, the fear,
I hide under the table
 and haunts me.

After a few minutes,
seems as if realizing
I'm not good company.

Sure is hidden
between books
waiting for me to die.


By starting early in the morning
in your bed I planted a rose.

It was a rose of passion;
of those who unwittingly Rosamar
take over the heart
of the skin on which they alight.

Today we have spent years
I returned for my love,
and as a thief chased
by the pack, alone and hurt,
I hid in your lap
to see the rose of your pains.

Vainly the shadows
sought my hands,
as if a strange odor
replace its fragrance.
(I set aside the clamor
that brought me to your side)

As I acknowledge
another flower that has chosen
as I have loved you with relish ...
I wept bitterly, Rosamar.

But do not think that you have been
the cause of this pain is killing me.
This plaintive cry choking me,
is the result of having seen wither
the rose that I loved.

Rosa pure and embodied,
as equal to the first
in your bed I planted
from early morning to.

Blazon of love and passion,
are those that unwittingly Rosamar
take over the heart
of the skin on which they alight.


I have the face
of a sad man,
of a man who has suffered,
of a man who has cried
and lied.

I have the face
of a bad man,
of a man who has beaten,
of a miserable man
that hurt.

I have the thousand faces
I have a thousand faces
and what I now always
I have received,
and now I get
I've always been.

I have the face
of men,
I have in the face
many names,
mirror of life
is our face,
mirror breaks
with death.



You know my life
is an endless wave
He refuses to let the sea.

Why do I have to reach the shore
such as foam or as fish
tired of swimming?


If here in the sea
always stars
will not,
and an endless night
where the moon always.

Here everything is quiet, peace and love.

The peace of the lonely wanderer,
peace that only comes loneliness.


(I already know the land of men,
the sterile company given)

I'm a fish,
I am the tide ebbs and flows eternally,
the fish bites the hook
a tired fisherman
I always return to the sea.


I am a castaway
in the vast salt, gull, moss,
cetacean, galleon, coral.

When you see little girl
my dead body under the sun,
Been with him a campfire
and give me back the sea.



Today you've forgotten how good
the kiss you gave me yesterday,
it was you who asked
not the man who has left.


There are nights when I feel
I only am left,
then, you go away,
Will your love as wind?


The rose that I wanted
was neither white nor red was,
only a beautiful flower
what my love demanded.


Thorns, blood, poisons,
mild pain which destroys me,
are my eager mouth
Roses that are in your breasts.


It took me just a snap
used to say yesterday,
to know that the important
not to love but to love.


Here is my life is,
here I leave my love.
Pure love without injury
So I'll take the pain.


Serena the blue air
the sad beauty and safe,
of a soft tulle dress
memory of your beauty.


The bird sings light
to know of your departure,
therefore knows that there is no way
of my soul heal the wound.



If I had been a singer
would have given you a song,
but I've only been a poet
has caused you pain.

How wonderful it would have been
that I could sing,
But now your love is gone
who could reach!

Ungrateful has been love
perverse you and me,
Hell on the fate cruelly
fire that sowed heartbreak.


Your look,
poignant and thoughtful,
lingers in my thoughts,
drives away my dreams,
increase my vigil.


Between Silence
these walls
where confused
love and heartbreak
were your footsteps.


Your shoulders are burning
with lust as the zeal
pokes my torture.
A stealthy silence
frightens me,
and foliage of the poplars
brings to me,
innocent moans
that are God's slip.



There are a lark,
that confused in the trade,
reaches the crops
in search of well-deserved rest;
however, a crow hazing
and drives away.


Today I become like the dead
to pick my steps.
And I'm back again
to mourn in silence
on my shoes.


Some nights as serious as this
it breaks my heart
in an instant.

Some nights as serious as this
that denying God
how sad.


I get scared like a child
lost in the night
an infinite forest,
when my gaze,
and brightness of your eyes,
clear as the fog of summer,
I announced that tomorrow
you'll be gone ...
And how tender is the night
- That seals the kiss inert -
from that on your left.


To Gabrielle

It did not want to be...
the eternal traveler
the one you missed your childhood
irascible man
all censorship.

It did not want to be...
The one that hit your games
the eternal silence
Withering the flowers
fierce ogre
of your short stories.

It did not want to be...
shadow between us
the sea between land
shabby soul
who lives in a hurry
the old tree
the bird of passage
the lonely island.

But, son, my eyes deaf
and my ears blind
were lost forever
in that eternal traveler.

But still...
I love your white hands
  your big ears
your bad behavior
your funny drawings
your child's soul
your feigned sighs
your false pains
your white angels
your red devils
the warmth of your body
when you lie asleep.

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